St. Louis Board of Aldermen: New Board Bills 12/16/2016 (207-228)

The following twenty-two (22)Board Bills will be introduced at today’s meeting of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen — their last meeting before winter break, Review today’s agenda here.
- B.B.#207 – Roddy – An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate travel in Rutger from Grand westwardly to a point in the City.
- B.B.#208 – Roddy – An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate travel in 1. The 15 foot wide alley in City Block 2181-N as bounded by LaSalle, Motard, Hickory and Spring 2. The remaining 30 foot section of Motard from Hickory to the northline of the alley in City Block 2181-N; 3. Hickory from Spring eastwardly to a point in the City.
- B.B.#209 – Roddy – An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate travel in the 15 foot wide alley in City Block 2181-S as bounded by Hickory, Grand, Rutger and Spring.
- B.B.#210 – Coatar – An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to conditionally vacate travel in 15 foot wide east/west alley in City Block 441 as bounded by Papin, Tucker, Chouteau and 13th St. in the City.
- B.B.#211 – Coatar – An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to conditionally vacate travel in remaining 50.35 feet of the 15 foot wide north/south alley in City Block 74 as bounded by Lombard, 3rd, Chouteau and 4th in the City.
- B.B.#212 – Vollmer – An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to conditionally vacate travel in Kemper from Hereford westwardly 82.34 feet to a point previously vacated by Ordinance 69720 in the City.
- B.B.#213 – Krewson – An ordinance recommended and approved by the Airport Commission, the Comptroller and the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, making certain findings with respect to the transfer of up to Thirteen Million Seven Hundred Twenty-Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars of excess moneys that The City of St. Louis, intends to transfer from the Debt Service Stabilization Fund to the Airport Revenue Fund; authorizing a transfer in an amount not to exceed Thirteen Million Seven Hundred Twenty-Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars from the DSSF into the Revenue Fund during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016; containing a severability clause; and containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#214 – Krewson – An Ordinance recommended and approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing and directing the Director of Airports and the Comptroller to enter into and execute the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport Cargo City Lease Agreement No. AL-030, between the City and Southwest Airlines Company; containing a severability clause; and containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#215 – Vollmer – An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map, from “J” Industrial District to the “D” Multiple- Family Dwelling District, in City Block 4085 (5006-30 Daggett), and containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#216 – Kennedy – An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission, to change the zoning of property as indicated on the District Map and in City Block 2513, from “C” Multiple- Family Dwelling District to the “G” Local Commercial and Office District, at 3869, 3871, 3873, 3881, 3883-85 & 3887 Bell Avenue and 3870, 3974, 3878-82, 3884, 3886 & 3888 Windsor Place; and containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#217 – Williamson – An Ordinance pertaining to applicants seeking employment with the City of St. Louis in positions in the civil service system; adding new provisions that establish a City resident hiring preference system; containing definitions; and scoring system.
- B.B.#218 – Moore – An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission revising and amending the Greater Ville Special Use District created by Ordinance 68619 to prohibit motor fuel pumping stations and convenience stores and confectionaries within the boundaries of the district; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
- B.B.#219 – Williamson – An Ordinance requiring collective bargaining contracts signed by the City to include a clause in which the parties agree to support Affirmative Action efforts of the City by ensuring that employees and employers reflect the diversity of the City.
- B.B.#220 – Williamson – An Ordinance to be known as the City of St. Louis Whistleblower Law, pertaining to reporting improper governmental action and providing protection from retaliatory action for reporting and cooperating in the investigation and/or prosecution of improper governmental action; containing definitions, procedures for reporting improper governmental action and retaliation, and penalties; and containing a severability clause.
- B.B.#221 – Kennedy – An ordinance establishing the North Central Special Business District pursuant to Sections 71.790 through 71.808 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, setting its boundaries, tax rate, initial rate of levy subject to the approval of the qualified voters, bonding authority, and uses to which tax revenue may be put; creating a board of commissioners; and containing severability, effectiveness, and emergency clauses.
- B.B.#222 – Kennedy – An ordinance submitting to the qualified voters residing in the North Central Special Business District as designated in Ordinance No.____, approved the _____ day of ________, 2017, (Board Bill No. __) a proposal to establish the levy of a tax on the real property located in said district; submitting said proposal to the voters of said district at an Election on April 4, 2017; and containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#223 – Davis – An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to conditionally vacate travel in irregular width “L” shaped alley City Block 1044 as bounded by Samuel
Shepard Dr., Leonard, Washington and Josephine Baker Blvd. in the City. - B.B.#224 – Roddy – An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate travel in the eastern 25 foot wide section of Sublette from Wise southwardly to a point previously vacated by Ordinance 56551 in the City.
- B.B.#225 – Williamson – An ordinance enacted pursuant to Section 56.540, Revised Statutes of Missouri to repeal Ordinance
No. 70056 relating to the Office of the Circuit Attorney, allocating the positions established by Section 56.540, R.S.Mo. to classes with grades and a schedule setting minimum and maximum salaries for such grades by repealing Section Two and replacing said Section with provisions of this ordinance, providing that such salaries be paid bi-weekly; providing for payment of overtime wages on an hourly basis at the bi-weekly rate when such overtime is authorized as necessary by the Circuit Attorney and containing an emergency clause. - B.B.#226 – Ingrassia – An Ordinance relating to the proceeds from an increase of one half of one percent in the rate of the local use tax levied by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 65609, which increase corresponds to a proposed one half of one percent local sales tax for economic development purposes; calling and providing for the holding of an election in the City on April 4, 2017, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City a proposal to use the proceeds of such one half of one percent increase in the local use tax levied by the City for the purpose of providing funding for minority job training and business development programs and a multipurpose stadium for soccer, local amateur sports, concerts, and community events; containing a severability clause; and containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#227 – Ingrassia – An ordinance calling and providing for the holding of an election in the City on April 4, 2017, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City a proposal to impose a one half of one percent sales tax on all retail sales made in the City which are subject to taxation under Chapter 144 RSMo. for economic development purposes, including (1) North/South Metrolink, (2) neighborhood development, (3) workforce development; (4) anti-crime infrastructure, including security cameras as well as a monitoring system, and (5) to upgrade the city’s infrastructure, with annual public audits.
- B.B.#228 – Vollmer – An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 5006-5030 Daggett.
Today is likely the last day to introduce new bills this session, full meetings resume on January 6, 2017 but the last this session is February 10, 2017. The session is officially closed out on April 17, 2017 — after the general election.
The meeting begins at 10am, it can be watched online here.