Opinion: Things Shouldn’t Go Back The Way They Were Before The Stockley Verdict
Since Friday’s not-guilty verdict in the murder trial of former police officer Jason Stockley our lives have been disrupted — roads blocked, events postponed or cancelled, and yes…minor property damage. .Many of you just want things to “normal” Normal means block men are shot and killed by white police. Yes, some may have committed a crime, but that’s for a jury to determine.
And why are they committing crimes? Partly it’s because the cards are stacked against them at birth. Who you know matters a lot in this world, at times more than what you know. If you’re raised in a poor predominately minority neighborhood then you mostly know other poor minorities. Those of us who grew up white in middle-class white suburbs have a much wider sphere — one that’s easy to multiply.
Since the Civil War African-Americans haven’t had a level playing field. Not then and not today. For-profit prisons have lobbied politicians to stiffen penalties to improve their profit margins.

We have the left example…somewhat. Theoretically we all have the same opportunity to participate. In the left example, the one with their view blocked by the fence doesn’t have a great experience as the other two. The example o the right, though not equal, gives all three the same view. That’s fair.
In the recent non-scientific Sunday Poll a majority didn’t think justice was done but many did and others are unsure.
Q: Agree or disagree: Justice was served in the Stockley verdict.
- Strongly agree 9 [13.43%]
- Agree 12 [17.91%]
- Somewhat agree 3 [4.48%]
- Neither agree or disagree 0 [0%]
- Somewhat disagree 5 [7.46%]
- Disagree 8 [11.94%]
- Strongly disagree 24 [35.82%]
- Unsure/No Answer 6 [8.96%]
We have a lot of work to do. Going back to the way things were isn’t going to make this a better region. So stop bitching about protestors, help all of us have an opportunity to participate in society.
— Steve Patterson