St. Louis Board of Aldermen: Board Bill #122

Last week the St. Louis Board of Aldermen introduced twenty (20) new Board Bills. Today. only one.
*Note that just because a bill is on the agenda doesn’t mean it’ll be introduced, similarly, bills not on the agenda might be introduced if they suspend the rules to do so. This information is based on the published agenda as of yesterday @ 8am:
B.B.#122 – Conway ? An ordinance, recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, authorizing a supplemental appropriation; amending Ordinance 70540, commonly referred to as the City of St. Louis Annual Operating Plan for Fiscal Year 2017?2018; appropriating and setting apart the sum of One Million Nine Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars from revenues accruing to the Local Use Tax Fund; and containing an emergency clause.
The meeting begins at 10am, it can be watched online here. See list of all board bills for the 2017-2018 session.
— Steve Patterson