Goodbye Twenty Seventeen, Hello Twenty Eighteen

The ten year period 2000-2009 made sense to start off with “Two Thousand…” when saying the year. For the last 8 years (2010-2017), however, it made more sense to start off with “twenty…” These last few weeks it seemed like I’ve been hearing more reporters, anchors, commercials saying “twenty” than “two thousand..”An exception was Jane Pauley hosting CBS Sunday Morning yesterday. she said every year as “two thousand…”
This is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
Still, I know many of you will continue saying “two thousand…” But in two years it’ll be 2020. Will you say the obvious “twenty twenty” or the awkwardly long “two thousand twenty”?
Regardless of how you say it, have a great 2018!
— Steve Patterson