Race For St. Louis County Executive Will Be Decided On August 7th

Despite seven candidates from four political parties, the race for St. Louis County Executive will be decided in the August 7th primary — between the well-funded incumbent and the well-funded newcomer — both Democrats. Only some sort of scandal after the primary would mean one of the other three might win.
Here are the results of the recent non-scientific Sunday Poll:
Q: Seven candidates are running to become the next St. Louis County Executive, which one would you LIKE to see win in November 2018?
- Mark Mantovani (D) 9 [45%]
- Steve Stenger (D) 6 [30%]
- Daniel Sampson (R) 2 [10%]
- 3-WAY TIE: 1 [5%]
- Paul Berry, III (R)
- Nicholas (Nick) Kasoff (L)
- Bill Ray (D)
- Andrew Ostrowski (C) 0 [0%]
After the poll began I realized I forgot to include “unsure” option, resulting in lower than usual responses.
Hopefully voters will research all the candidates, attend debates, and really know each before voting. Hat tip to Andrew Ostrowski — the only one of the seven to contact me after the poll concluded.
— Steve Patterson