Sunday Poll: Should Non-Violent Offenders Get Less Jail Time?

Crime continues to be a problem in St. Louis, so I thought the following recent story would make a good poll topic:
St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner says she wants to see less jail time for non-violent offenders.
Gardner claims such a move could be the key to curbing violent crime, telling News 4 she believes her office and St. Louis police would be freed up to focus on more serious crime.
“We’re looking to collaborate more with law enforcement because as law enforcement we have to say things aren’t working and we have to do things differently. So we have to change the narrative of more arrests means safer cities because St. Louis has done a great job arresting and prosecuting and we still are a less safe city,” said Gardner. (KMOV)
Diversion programs & bail reform would also be part of her plans. Please vote in the poll below.
This poll will automatically close at 8pm tonight.
— Steve Patterson