No Longer A Downtown Resident

In my 28+ years living in St. Louis I’ve lived in different places/neighborhoods. These have been the Central West End, Old North (still officially called Murphy-Blair at the time), Dutchtown, Mount Pleasant, and, since November 2007, Downtown West. Late last month my husband and I moved to a smaller apartment within the City of St. Louis.
In the coming weeks I’ll share more about why we moved, and where. Though we’ve been in our new place over a week, we’re still in the process of removing the last of our belongings from the old place. Moving in not fun, especially when disabled.
For over a week now I’ve had many topics come to mind to blog about. Being in a new, but familiar neighborhood, has peaked my curiosity. It’s very exciting. Prior to moving I’d already looked at early 20th century Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, historic aerials, and WalkScore.
The loft we left was the longest I’d lived at any address, other than the house I grew up in. If not for two events in 2008 I’d have moved long ago: my stroke & the market crash.
Moving has forced me to realize how much I’d accumulated in 11+ years, nearly 6 of which with my husband. Though I despise moving, perhaps it’s an exercise I should do every 5-6 years? Still not ready for a tiny house, but I downsized in 2007 and downsized again.
Again, future posts will unveil the reasons for our move, where we’re living, etc.
— Steve Patterson