St. Louis Board of Aldermen: New Board Bills Week 29 of 2018-2019 Session

The St. Louis Board of Aldermen will meet at 10am today, their 29th meeting of the 2018-2019 session.
Two bills were introduced last week that weren’t on version 1 or 2 of that agenda. See BB 220 (Redevelopment Plan for 5467-5559 Delmar) and BB 221 (Redevelopment Plan for 5539-5551 Pershing)
Today’s agenda includes ten (10) new bills covering a wide variety of issues:
- B.B.#222 – J. Boyd – An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing and directing the City to issue and sell its general obligation bonds in various Series, in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $40,000,000 of which no more than ($6,000,000 in aggregate Principal amount shall be issued annually) for the purpose ofStabilizing, within the limits described in the City’s Proposition NS (Neighborhood Stabilization) Ordinance; containing an Emergency clause.
- B.B.#223 – J. Boyd – An ordinance authorizing and directing the Circuit Attorney to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding withThe Unites States Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Missouri Providing for cross-jurisdiction over crimes that take place in and around St. Louis, authorizing one or more qualifying St. Louis Assistant Circuit Attorneys to be assigned to the UnitedStates Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Missouri as Special Assistant United States Attorneys to facilitate the investigation And prosecution of Federal offenses involving the possession or use of a firearm; containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#224 – J. Boyd – An ordinance establishing a “Dig Once” policygoverning where, when and how often construction and Excavation that disrupts access to the right-of-way including the Flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic may occur.
- B.B.#225 – Oldenburg – An ordinance adding a new Chapter underTitle 25, the Building Code, to be known as “Small Wireless Facilities and Micro Wireless Facilities;” containing aseverability clause and an emergency clause.
- B.B.#226 – Navarro – An ordinance amending Ordinance Nos. 64518, 67309, and 68206; authorizing the execution of an Escrow Trust Agreement by and between the City and UMB Bank, prescribing the form and details of said Escrow; authorizing the release of unnecessary funds from the Argyle Special Allocation Fund(“SAF”) and other related actions; and containing a severability clause.
- B.B.#227 – Oldenburg – An ordinance relating to the undergrounding requirements set forth in Chapter 23.42 of the Revised Code; repealing Sections 23.42.010, 23.42.030 through, 23.42.050, and 23.42.070 of the Revised Code expanding the scope and applicability of the underground district.
- B.B.#228 – Vollmer – An ordinance approving the petition to amend the petition to establish the La Collina Community Improvement District, finding a public purpose for the petition to amend the petition to establish the La Collina Community Improvement District, and containing an emergency clause and a severability clause.
- B.B.#229 – Howard – An Ordinance repealing Section One of Ordinance 48889, codified as Section 8.10.060 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, pertaining to the payment and discount of a tax imposed on cigarette merchants, and enacting in lieu thereof a new Section One of Ordinance 48889.
- B.B.#230 – Moore – Pursuant to Ordinance 68937, an ordinance authorizing the honorary street name Ms. Norma Jean Bell Way, which shall begin at the intersection of Lexington and North Newstead and run west on Lexington to the intersection of Lexington and Clarence.
- B.B.#231 – Muhammd – An ordinance enacted pursuant to Section 56.540, Revised Statues of Missouri to repeal Ordinance No. 70056 relating to the Office of the Circuit Attorney of the City allocating the positions established by Section 56.540, R.S.Mo to classes with grades and a schedule setting minimum and maximum salaries for such grades by repealing Section Two and replacing said Section providing with such salaries be paid bi- weekly; providing for payment of overtime wages subject to the requirements of the Fair Labor Standard Act and shall be allowed on the basis of hours worked and the bi weekly rate of pay and containing an emergency clause.
The meeting begins at 10am, past meetings and a live broadcast can be watched online here. See list of all board bills for the 2017-2018 session — the new bills listed above may not be online right away.
— Steve Patterson