Sunday Poll: Should Leaders Prioritize St. Louis’ Central Corridor?

The City of St. Louis stretches a long distance from the Northern-most tip to the Southern-most tip, following the curve of the Mississippi River.
St. Louis radiated out in all directions from its starting point on the riverfront, but the most coherent and focust development happened along a spine running due west from downtown.
Starting with Market Street, then changing over to Olive and then Lindell, a loose axis developed over the course of the 1800s. Along this axis would rise many city landmarks – its two most prestigious universities, its entertainment district, its most fashionable neighborhood, and its largest park. A second skyline developed in Midtown. The axis is symbolically capped by Washington University’s Brookings Hall, which visually terminates Lindell just beyond city limits. (Built St. Louis)
This pattern continued into St. Louis County, from Clayton to Chesterfield.
Today’s non-scientific poll applies to both St. Louis city & county.
This poll will automatically close at 8pm tonight. Wednesday I’ll share my thoughts and the results.
— Steve Patterson