“We’re going to have tanks on every damn corner,” said @BrandonFBosley. “These people have to know we’re not playing anymore.” https://t.co/kf17TDPdL1 via @stltoday
— David Hunn (@davidhunn) April 7, 2019
Readers Opposed To Missouri National Guard Patroling St. Louis’ Worst Neighborhoods

Following a recent daytime shooting Ald. Brandon Bosley started a long-overdue conversation about taking back neighborhoods from criminal elements.
The boldness of the crime, on a sunny spring day as sports fans flocked downtown, just three miles south, led the neighborhood’s alderman to call for deployment of the Missouri National Guard before the summer hits and crime spikes.
“I’m done waiting,” said Alderman Brandon Bosley of the 3rd Ward. “Before it gets too bad, we need to do something measurable. Extra hands. Extra guns. Guns bigger than the ones on the street.”
Bosley said he and the city Board of Aldermen’s black caucus had been talking for weeks about petitioning Gov. Mike Parson. He said he hoped to persuade the board to pass a resolution calling on Parson to send troops to the worst city neighborhoods. (Post-Dispatch)
The conversation took place on Twitter after Post-Dispatch writer David Hunn sent out the following tweet about the story:
I read through some of the replies, many good points made. In general I don’t like the idea of military forces being brought in. On the other hand, though I do live in North St. Louis, I’m not in a neighborhood that’s experiencing the violence that a few areas are. I get it, Bosley and residents want something done. Now!
Maybe the Missouri National Guard is the answer, maybe not. I’ve said before a lot of our problems are long-term, requiring long-term solutions. Correcting inequalities would help, but that will take many years once started. Understandably, Bosley wants action before it gets hot out.
I wish I had the answer.
Here are the results of the recent non-scientific Sunday Poll:
Q: Should Gov. Parsons send the Missouri National Guard to help patrol the worst neighborhoods in the City of St. Louis?
- Definitely not!: 11 [33.33%]\
- No: 7 [21.21%]
- Hmm, don’t think so: 3 [9.09%]
- Neither yes or no: 1 [3.03%]
- Hmm, I suppose: 4 [12.12%]
- Yes: 5 [15.15%]
- Definitely yes!: 2 [6.06%]
- Unsure/No Answer: 0 [0%]
A clear majority oppose the idea of the National Guard.
A Doug Unplugged segment on the subject, not online at this time, missed the point entirely. KMOV’s DougVaughn liked the idea, saying the National Guard should be outside Cardinals games, etc. Bosley isn’t arguing for military to make suburbanites who venture downtown for a game to feel safe, he’s trying to help the people in his ward feel safe in their neighborhoods
— Steve Patterson