Sunday Poll: Will You Patronize McKee’s Gas Station or Grocery Store?

It was three years ago (March 2016) Paul McKee announced plans for a gas station and a grocery store:
At a news conference under a white tent, he announced his latest plans Wednesday afternoon, this time for a grocery store and gas station. The GreenLeaf Market will be located at 1408 N. 13th St., not far from the Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge. Right across the street, McKee said, there will be the ZOOM Store — a gas station, store and car wash. (St. Louis Public Radio)
The ZOOM Gas opened last October, though not the cafe & car wash. The GreenLeaf Market opened last Monday, April 1st.
On Saturday the 13th both will hold a grand opening, 10am – 3pm. Both are the subject of today’s poll.
This poll will close at 8pm tonight.
— Steve Patterson