Neighborhood Streetlights Still On Because Electrical Station Is Blocked
A month ago I posted about how My Neighborhood’s Street Lights Are Always On. To get this resolved I sent the link to the blog post to the folks at the St. Louis Citizens Service Bureau (CSB). As always, the promptly responded.
Here’s one of the many images of street lights on during the day included on my April 12th post.

The CSB said lighting department was to respond by April 17th. On May 3rd the lights were still on so I replied asking what’s going on.

Yes, the lights have been on in my entire neighborhood for months (years?) because a concrete barrier is blocking access. I went searching to see if I could figure out the location of the blocked access to the electrical station.

I”m not sure the above is the blocked location in question. In September 2014 it’s partially covered, and more so in August 2017. Another nearby cover remains accessible.
Again, I don’t know if this is the correct location for the neighborhood electrical station workers need to access to get the street lights to come on only at night. All I know is the street lights, except the ones that are burnt out, remain on 24/7 a month after I notified the city.
We must have extra money to burn.
— Steve Patterson