Sunday Poll: Should the Size of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen Stay at 28 or be cut to 14?

St. Louis voters have made some notoriously bad decisions at the polls — the 1876 “divorce” from St. Louis County topping the list, the 1916 pro-segregation vote a close second.
Back in 2012, city voters passed a measure cutting the Wards and Aldermen in half to 14. The measure takes effect in 2022. Mayor Lyda Krewson opposes a re-vote; she already threatened to veto a similar bill last year. (Fox2)
Some think the 2012 measure was another bad decision, while others think having a new vote to reverse that outcome would be a bad decision.
This is the subject of today’s poll:
This poll will close at 8pm tonight, my thoughts and results on Wednesday.
— Steve Patterson