Sunday Poll: Should Smoking Be Allowed or Banned Outside?

We’ve had an indoor smoking ban for a number of years now. For the most part everyone has adjusted.
I’m now spending quite a bit of time visiting Siteman Cancer Center, part of the Washington University School of Medicine. Their campuses have been smoke-free since July 2010.
The university strictly prohibits all smoking and other uses of tobacco products within all university buildings and on university property, at all times.
This policy applies to all, including students, faculty, staff, patients, contractors and visitors.
For the purpose of this policy, “tobacco” is defined to include, but not limited to, any lit cigarette, cigar, pipe, bidi, clove cigarette, electronic cigarette (e-cigarette), personal vaporizer and any other smoking product; and smokeless or spit tobacco, also known as dip, chew, snuff or snus in any form. (Washington University)
Other area universities also have smoke-free campuses.
Today’s poll question applies to campuses but also areas like restaurant patios, transit centers, public parks, etc — outdoor areas either public or privately owned. Good policy or overkill?
This poll will close tonight at 8pm. My thoughts and results on Wednesday morning.
— Steve Patterson