Sunday Poll: St. Louis Stay at Home Order Good Policy or Overreach?

Yesterday the leaders of St. Louis City & County issued a joint stay at home order effective Monday:
St. Louis city and county goverments will enact stay-at-home orders beginning Monday, officials said Saturday.
St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson and St. Louis County Executive Sam Page tweeted Saturday that they plan to implement mandatory stay-at-home orders starting Monday.
The restrictions “will ensure that residents can meet their basic needs and that essential services will still be provided,” Krewson and Page said in a joint press release.
Residents will be allowed to go to grocery stores, pharmacies and “take a walk in a public park” in the city and county, they said.
The order is the result of collaboration with leaders from St. Charles, Franklin and Jefferson counties that are also considering “additional restrictions,” the press release said. (Post-Dispatch)
This is the topic of today’s poll.
This poll will close at 8pm tonight.
— Steve Patterson