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Public Meeting Tonight on Redevelopment Proposals in Richmond Heights


The City of Richmond Heights is holding at meeting this evening to show proposals for a redevelopment area called Hadley Township. The meeting will be held at The Heights on Dale Avenue from 7pm to 9pm.

The site is just North of the big box mess on Hanley created by THF Realty. Four proposals for this area were submitted to Richmond Heights, including one by THF Realty.

I’ve downloaded all four proposals but haven’t had a chance to review them in detail. I plan to stop by the meeting tonight to see them in person.

At first glance we see lower income housing being marked for replacement while across the highway multi-million dollar mansions have little to fear. The more money you have the less likely you are to lose your home to redevelopment proposals.

Click here to see more information on the project including all four proposals.

– Steve


Currently there are "3 comments" on this Article:

  1. tom says:

    The Conrad Team has a number of firms who know the value of the MetroLink Station. Forest City is well known on the west coast for its work around rail stations. Katheryn Perez is affiliated with Forest City and the wife of Rick Cole, city manager of Ventura, and former City manager of Pasadena which made a turn around under his leadership.

    Dean Wolfe became a proponent of transit when he ran the Portland, OR Mier and Frank and was fearful of the affect the light rail line would have on the store. He quickly found out after it opend, volumn went up.

    Peter Calthorpe is one of the transit oriented development pioneers having done work primarily in the west. Some project include the TOD remake of downtown Mountain View, CA which is seved by both VTA and Caltrains and maybe BART at some point.

    Development Strategies knows the value of MetroLink and is a great home grown addition to the team.

    A quick look and analysis leads me to give the nob to the Conrad team.

  2. will says:

    Altough I have yet to see the plans, it bothers me that richmond hieghts is so proud of their local big boxes. Please tell me this development is box-free. Also, do they plan to use eminant domain? Again, please tell me no.

  3. Jason says:

    If you check out the letter that Forest sent to Conrad it says they look forward to working with them “if the city approves the eminent domain” only then do they also say ” we may be interested” The issue with this type of development is the frailty of the relationship. There are so many factors, that most of the time the people who are getting bought out sit around and wait, some moving before the city has the opportunity to take their house, not waiting to see how much they are offered. If anyone is interested there are a couple houses just to the east for sale. One for about 150K.

    Of the four plans I put Conrad in front, followed roughly by H/C, then THF- sorry Mills, just not enough pretty pictures.


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