Readers: Arch Grounds Best Venue For Fair St. Louis

September 6, 2017 Featured Comments Off on Readers: Arch Grounds Best Venue For Fair St. Louis

After four years in Forest Park, Fair St. Louis will return to the Arch grounds in July 2018. The temporary relocation was due to the reconstruction of the grounds as part of the CityArchRiver project.

Four ramps now connect the top of the Arch ground to the riverfront below

More than half of those who voted in the recent non-scientific Sunday Poll think the Arch grounds is the better venue. I agree.

Q: Agree or disagree: Forest Park is a better location than the Arch grounds for Fair St. Louis (aka VP Fair)

  • Strongly agree 1 [2.5%]
  • Agree 6 [15%]
  • Somewhat agree 4 [10%]
  • Neither agree or disagree 2 [5%]
  • Somewhat disagree 3 [7.5%]
  • Disagree 8 [20%]
  • Strongly disagree 13 [32.5%]
  • Unsure/No Answer 3 [7.5%]

I look forward to having the fireworks back at the riverfront. Will be interesting to see how the new Arch grounds does with such a large event.

— Steve Patterson


Happy Labor Day

September 4, 2017 Featured, Missouri, Politics/Policy Comments Off on Happy Labor Day
Labor Day Parade in downtown St. Louis, 2009

Missouri is book-ended on eat side by blue-ish cities: Kansas City on the West and St. Louis on the East. In between is a lot of red. Wages & labor, among many others, are areas where the differences clash.  Though the GOP controls Jefferson City the people are fighting back.

From last month:

With the submission of more than 300,000 signatures Friday, Missouri’s right-to-work law won’t go into effect Aug. 28 and its fate likely will be put to voters in 2018.

 The law is suspended, Secretary of State spokeswoman Maura Browning told St. Louis Public Radio. The office still needs to verify that at least 100,000 of the signatures are from registered voters — the minimum to force a statewide vote in November 2018. (St. Louis Public Radio)

If the signatures are conformed, this gives lots of time to mount a campaign to override the legislature on unions. St. Louis’ higher minimum wage has been rolled back by the state GOP, but again efforts are underway to change that as well:

In Missouri, advocates of a higher minimum wage are already mobilizing a new statewide campaign to get a minimum wage measure on the November 2018 ballot. If organizers with the “Raise Up Missouri” campaign gather enough signatures and voters approve it next year, Missouri’s minimum wage would go up to $8.60 in 2019 and increase 85 cents each year until 2023, when it would hit $12 an hour.

Jake Rosenfeld, a sociology professor at Washington University who studies labor and inequality, points to the successful 2014 statewide measure raising Arkansas’ minimum wage as an example of the issue’s resonance beyond a liberal base. (Post-Dispatch)

Arkansas is just as backwards as Missouri, perhaps more. So if they can increase their statewide minimum wage we should too.

Have a great Labor Day today.

— Steve Patterson


Sunday Poll: Is Forest Park A Better Venue For Fair St. Louis?

September 3, 2017 Featured, Parks, Sunday Poll Comments Off on Sunday Poll: Is Forest Park A Better Venue For Fair St. Louis?
Please vote below

Last week Fair St. Louis officials announced the dates & location for the 2018 event.

After four years at Forest Park, Fair St. Louis is returning to the Gateway Arch in 2018.  (KSDK)

Organizers say the event drew approximately 300,000 people to Forest Park last year — more than any event there in more than a century. (Post-Dispatch)

So the event in Forest Park attracts more people.

Today’a poll question is about the event returning to the Arch grounds.

This poll will close at 8pm tonight.

— Steve Patterson


One Building On Locust Being Renovated While Another Awaits Demolition

September 1, 2017 Downtown, Featured, History/Preservation Comments Off on One Building On Locust Being Renovated While Another Awaits Demolition

Over 4 years ago the then-owner of a couple of buildings at 10th & Locust wanted to raze them for a hotel driveway for the 3rd building, the tallest. Many objected, the city’s Preservation Board repeatedly said no to demolition.

In June 2013 the first two buildings were threatened with demolition.

I’ve not followed the current project, but work is underway at at least two of the three.City records show a demolition permit was issued on 8/17/2017 for the 3-story on the NE corner of 10th & Locust (923 Locust St.), with the later Tudor-revival facade. The exterior isn’t original to the building, but it’s important to have massing on this corner.

For a while now all 3 have been behind a construction fence.
Workers can be seen weekdays

Hopefully a new building will be built on the corner, ideally taller — at least as tall as the adjacent building being rehabbed.

— Steve Patterson


Opinion: St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach Has Best Interests of Rally Cat

August 30, 2017 Featured Comments Off on Opinion: St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach Has Best Interests of Rally Cat

Thankfully the volunteers at the non-profit St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach were able to find and trap the cat known as “rally cat” since running across the field during a Cardinals game on August 9th.

St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach is a 501c3 organization (tax-exempt nonprofit). We’re a resource page for trappers, caretakers/feeders, and cat lovers dedicated to Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in St. Louis, MO and surrounding communities. The page is managed by several trappers and colony/caretakers and we believe that TNR is the best and most effective approach to cat overpopulation.

Our goal is to reduce the feral cat population in St. Louis, MO and surrounding communities while improving the quality of life for both cats and humans. High-volume use of low-cost or free spay-neuter services to sterilize feral, semi-feral, stray and domestic cats will help us achieve this goal.

Feral cats are wild animals, not domesticated pets. They’re also called community cats:

Community cats are not adoptable and shelters rarely will accept them. The fact is, most community cats exhibit wild, shy or frightened behavior, and it’s impossible to predict how or if they will ever acclimate to indoor life. While a community cat might look exactly the same as a pet cat, community cats survive by avoiding close human interaction. When properly cared for, community cats are happier outdoors in their own territory.

Some semi-community cats are actually stray cats who don’t exhibit quite the same shy behavior as the majority of community cats. Occasionally, these cats are born in the wild but, for no particular reason are less fearful of humans than is typical. Many semi-community cats lack the knowledge to survive on their own, and are often rejected by established colonies. It is possible for some of these cats to be socialized, but it depends on their trust of humans. It is very important to take caution, especially with cats who seem to straddle the fence between community and friendly. Getting them to trust people again might be hard, making them extremely difficult to adopt out. (ASPCA)

Some feral cats can be adopted and domesticated, most cannot. Thus, it makes sense the St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach doesn’t want Rally Cat to be forced to live in the Cardinal’s clubhouse.

In the recent non-scientiofic Sunday Poll just over half agreed, with more than 10% in the middle.

Q: Agree or disagree: The St. Louis Cardinals should get custody of “rally cat.”

  • Strongly agree 6 [15.38%]
  • Agree 5 [12.82%]
  • Somewhat agree 2 [5.13%]
  • Neither agree or disagree 4 [10.26%]
  • Somewhat disagree 3 [7.69%]
  • Disagree 7 [17.95%]
  • Strongly disagree 11 [28.21%]
  • Unsure/No Answer 1 [2.56%]

This has forced me to read up on the varied opinions on Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR).

— Steve Patterson






