Readers support the rights of cyclists to use the roads
Readers that voted in the poll last week clearly favor the rights of bicyclist to use public roadways and thus opposing a proposed ban in St. Charles County on cycling on some state highways in the county.
Q: St Charles County is considering banning bikes from some state highways:
- Bikes are vehicles and have just as much right to use public roads. 114 [60.96%]
- Bikes are fine on local roads, but not on state highways lacking shoulders. 52 [27.81%]
- Bikes belong on sidewalks or trails, not roads. 13 [6.95%]
- Other answer… 7 [3.74%]
- Unsure/no opinion 1 [ 0.53%]
However, nearly 28% think cyclists have a right to the roads, but not highways lacking shoulders. Almost 7% think cyclists belong on sidewalks and trails. Seriously? Public roads are for vehicles and a bike is a vehicle.
The “other” answers were:
- Ban Cars
- Ban the cars and solve the obesity problem
- Daft Wankers!
- stl bikers need education on the laws – until they stop at stop signs ban bikers
- If a bicyclistg wants to risk life and limb on a state highway, go for it.
- They are state roads…St. Charles has no jurisdiction in banning bikes on them.
- Reduce speed limit to 35 from 55mph for the cars – why do the cars go so fast?
I’ll be interested to see how this issue plays out.
– Steve Patterson