Grand MetroLink Station Getting Complete Makeover

As part of the replacement of the Grand bridge, Metro will be redesigning the Grand MetroLink station.  Below the bridge will be the new Grand MetroLink Station Transit Plaza:
The new transit plaza will be constructed underneath the new bridge where the current bridge piers are located. Because it will be under the bridge structure, the new plaza will be protected from weather. The new plaza will include:
- Seating;
- A vending area;
- Landscaping and new lighting, including lit paving stones and lit artwork;
- A new bus turnout area between the MetroLink Station and the new plaza;
- New elevator and stair tower structures that connect the plaza below to the bridge bus stops above.
The elevator/stair towers will be removed from the MetroLink platform and relocated north so that they touch down in the new plaza, which will open up the MetroLink platform and provide better visibility for MetroLink operators as they approach the station. The new parking lot will accommodate approximately 60 cars.
I’m not totally convinced all the changes are a good thing — such as moving the elevators — but I will withhold judgment until complete. Â The project is going forward regardless of my opinion so I might as well wait.
– Steve Patterson