State Representative Mike Daus has sent a letter to the City’s Board of Adjustment regarding the McDonald’s controversy. A letter he wrote in October supporting Pyramid’s proposed senior housing project was characterized in February’s conditional use zoning hearing as supporting the McDonald’s drive-thru. Here is the text of Daus’ letter from yesterday:
Sharon Cunningham, Chair
Board of Adjustment
City Hall, Room 400
1200 Market
St. Louis, MO 63103
Dear Chair and Members of the Board of Adjustment:
It has been brought to my attention that a letter I wrote on October 3, 2005 regarding tax credits for the South Grand Senior Apartment Project has been entered into the public record as a letter of support for the possible relocation of a McDonaldÂ’s at Grand and Winnebago.
The letter clearly does not support, nor was it intended to support, the construction of a McDonaldÂ’s at the corner of Winnebago and Grand.
I am asking that the Board of Adjustment amend the public record to clarify that the letter was not a letter of support for the McDonaldÂ’s relocation to Grand and Winnebago.
Mike Daus
Missouri State Representative
District 67
cc : Mayor Slay
Senator Coleman
Alderwoman Jennifer Florida
Alderman Craig Schmidt
Alderman Fred Wessels, HUDZ Committee Chairman
Ms. Rita Ford, Gravois Park Neighborhood Association President
I have to wonder how his letter, and similar letters from Sen. Coleman and Mayor Slay, got interpreted as supporting the drive-thru. First, these three letters got submitted for the hearing via Scott Nixon of Pyramid Companies, not Ald. Jennifer Florida. In re-reading some of the documents I received on a Sunshine Law request I see what he wrote:
In relation to the conditional use permit application for the above referenced address, attached are copies of support letters for Pyramid’s development at the corner of Grand and Chippewa.
So Nixon, of Pyramid, made it clear in his letter these letters were in support of a project that was not the topic of the hearing (view Nixon’s letter). Still, in the hearing, no attempt was made by anyone from Pyramid or Ald. Jennifer Florida to correct the record when the person conducting the hearing, Ms. Madga Vargo, indicated during the drive-thru hearing she had letters of support from these elected officials.
Several options exist. Ms. Vargo assumed the letters were in support of the drive-thru simply because the letters were in the file. Of course, that would mean she failed to read the letters as none of them actually mention McDonald’s. Or, if you a believer in conspiracy theories, it was all part of strategy to make it look good on record with the hopes nobody would dig below the surface. You can listen to Ms. Vargo mention letters in support and opposition to the McDonald’s.
While I cannot document it, yet, I believe that Florida, Pyramid and the city’s zoning staff were all in cahoots with each other and the February 16th hearing was simply a formality.
– Steve