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Disabled Get The Good Parking

A popular misconception is the disabled get primo parking.

ABOVE: Disabled parking at Quik Trip locations is the farthest parking from the building entry
ABOVE: Disabled parking at Quik Trip locations is the farthest parking from the building entry

Often we do, but other times the location of the wider space and ramp are far from the entrance.

– Steve Patterson


Did St. Louis Attract Young Whites?

February 21, 2011 Planning & Design 12 Comments

St. Louis’ low cost of living excludes us from an emerging trend of the 2010 Census:

“The number of white children is growing in several large urban centers where the cost of living is high, a trend that runs counter to the decline in white youths in much of the USA.” (USA Today: Urban areas drawing young whites)

A demographer quoted in the article says expensive urban settings are “a new magnet for white families with children.” Young white families with children used to be an assumed for new suburban areas but increasingly these families are choosing urban over suburban living.

Census figures are showing population increases for Asian and Hispanics, thus lowering the percentage of whites overall, making the trend that much more remarkable in those cities.  My own anecdotal observations over the last decade shows a similar trend in St. Louis.

The City of St.Louis has much in common with the state, the percentage of persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, for example.  A look at the U.S. Census Quick Facts, however, shows various figures.

One thing is certain, demographers will pour over the 2010 figures for years — until 2021 when the 2020 Census figures are released.

– Steve Patterson


Delmar Loop Lacks Proper Bike Parking

ABOVE:poorly supported & secured bike on Delmar in the East Loop

I’m a huge fan of on-street parking for automobiles, the stationary cars provide a nice barrier between passing cars and pedestrians. But in addition to providing parking for cars in the public right-of-way we should also provide parking for bicycles.  The person who cycles for transportation purposes (vs recreational rides) will find a way to secure their bikes, but often in less than ideal conditions.

A parking meter is a poor bike rack because it is too easy for a thief to lift the bike over the top.  Also meters do a lousy job of supporting the frame. Sign posts can work but often thieves will pull up the post to steal the bike.  Yesterday a friend came over to my loft and he brought his bike up rather than risk theft on the street due to a lack of bike racks.

The Delmar Loop is one of our best areas but the lack of bike parking is noticeable. It has only been 4-5 years since the stretch of Delmar East of Skinker was narrowed from four to two travel lanes to allow widened sidewalks.  There is plenty of room for bike racks, they just weren’t  a priority.

– Steve Patterson


Buildings on Locust Still Standing

ABOVE: Two buildings on Locust at 10th have been approved for demo
ABOVE: Two buildings on Locust at 10th have been approved for demo

The Roberts Brother had planned to raze these two structures as part of converting the building to the right to a Hotel Indigo.  I assume that project is on hold, a victim of the economy.  While I wish the windows were still in the one building, I’d rather see these two buildings remain standing & vacant than razed for an auto court.

– Steve Patterson


Pedestrians Exist Even in Bad Weather

February 12, 2011 Downtown, Walkability 31 Comments
ABOVE: Mother & daughter walking on Locust at 16th
ABOVE: Mother & daughter walking on Locust at 16th

The other day I stepped out the front door of my building to check out the sidewalk, friends was going to come pick me up and I wanted to make sure I could walk to their vehicle. Our condo association pays a crew to come out and create a pathway.  At the moment I stepped out I saw a mom & child walking down the street, a reminder we do have pedestrians even in bad weather.

– Steve Patterson






