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Poll: Should Preservation Review be Citywide or Continue Ward-by-Ward?

The city of St. Louis is divided into 28 wards and each alderman has authority over his/her ward, the city as a whole be damned.

ABOVE: Current Preservation Review map, white areas are excluded. Click to download PDF.

As the above map show, eight of the twenty-eight wards are excluded from the city’s other  Preservation Review Districts:

Any demolition application in a Preservation Review District will be referred by the Building Division to the Cultural Resources Office for review. No demolition permit may be issued without the approval of the Office.

Criteria for Review:

The Office will consider these criteria in making its determination:

  • redevelopment plans passed by ordinance;
  • the building’s architectural quality;
  • its structural condition;
  • the demolition’s effect on its neighborhood;
  • the building’s potential for reuse;
  • urban design factors;
  • any proposed subsequent construction;
  • any commonly-controlled property.

So in 30% of the city buildings can be razed without any review by the staff hired to protect our cultural history. There are some exceptions, such as the 7th ward. It appears the CBD does have preservation review and other parts of the ward would be reviewed as part of of a National Register historic district. The same thing occurs in parts of the other seven non-review wards. Forget Team Four, lack of preservation review in six north side wards has done great damage.

But ward boundaries change this year due to redistricting. Preservation Review districts don’t automatically change, these must also be changed with new legislation.  That is, unless it was simplified and covered the entire city. Here is an example of the description of one of twenty districts:


Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Kingshighwayand Lindell, and proceeding in a generally clockwise direction east along the centerlines to Taylor, north to Maryland, east to Boyle, south to West Pine, east to Sarah, south to Laclede, east to Spring, south to Market, east to Grand, north to the Forest Park Parkway, east to Compton, south to Chouteau, west to Grand, south to Park, west to 39th, south to Blaine, west to Tower Grove, south to Interstate 44, west to Kingshighway, north to the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway tracks, west to Hampton, north to Manchester, west to Graham, north to Oakland, east to the southern prolongation of Euclid, north to Barnes Hospital Plaza, west to Kingshighway, and north to the point of beginning. (source)

Think of all the staff time to write new legislation, to alter the city’s property database.

ABOVE: The vacant transit substation & Dragon Trading buildings in the 17xx block of Locust may lose preservation review protection.

My loft will go from being in the 6th ward to the 5th ward, from preservation review to non-review. The buildings above, in the block to the west of me,  will also go from 6th to 5th, will suddenly be at greater risk of being razed without public input once the preservation review districts are revised. The substation is on Landmark’s 2010 Most Endangered List.


ABOVE: Butler Bros Warehouse, as seen from my windows, will be at risk when it gets placed in the 19th ward of Ald Marlene Davis

All this is to introduce the poll question for this week: Should Preservation Review be Citywide or Continue Ward-by-Ward?  The poll is located in the upper right corner of the blog.

– Steve Patterson


Readers Want Ald Freeman Bosley Sr. Out of Office

Ald. Freeman Bosley Sr.

Many people think Ald Freeman Bosley Sr. (D-3) has been a member of the Board of Aldermen longer than any other member. However, Phyllis Young & Fred Wessels hold that honor, both were first sworn in on April 16, 1985 (26 years!). Next is Joseph Roddy, first sworn in on March 11, 1988 (23 years!). Freeman Bosley Sr., and Terry Kennedy, were first sworn in on April 18, 1989 (22 years!).

In the poll last week readers picked the father of former mayor Freeman Bosley Jr. as the alderman they’d most like out of office. Where do I begin? Bosley’s plan for his 1/28th of the city has been tear down anything vacant more than a week. If not for the persistence of the staff at the city’s Cultural Resources office, and others, the third ward would have significantly fewer buildings.

As an example, Ald Bosley has mentioned for years about razing the beautiful library in Hyde Park with an IHOP.  I like eating at IHOP but I’m a bigger fan of the historic library.

ABOVE: the historic library in Hyde Park

In my first weeks of blogging I spoke at a Preservation Board meeting against the demolition of a historic church on North Grand that Bosley supported.  Thankfully they rejected the application and the church remains.

Here are the Top 10 vote getters in the poll, readers could pick up to five (those shown in bold are the ones I voted for):

  1. 3) Freeman Bosley Sr. 75 [14.34%]
  2. 19) Marlene E. Davis 60 [11.47%]
  3. 6) Kacie Starr Triplett 40 [7.65%]
  4. 7) Phyllis Young 38 [7.27%]
  5. 5) April Ford-Griffin 34 [6.5%]
  6. 20) Craig N. Schmid 32 [6.12%]
  7. 1) Charles Troupe 28 [5.35%]
  8. 18) Terry Kennedy 24 [4.59%]
  9. 15) Jennifer Florida 22 [4.21%]
  10. 9) Kenneth Ortmann 19 [3.63%]

The following are the remaining, in order.  In the case of a tie the software placed them in numerical/alphabetical order.

  • 21) Antonio D. French 16 [3.06%]
  • President Lewis Reed 15 [2.87%]
  • All of them 14 [2.68%]
  • 13) Fred Wessels 12 [2.29%]
  • 17) Joseph D. Roddy 12 [2.29%]
  • 8) Stephen Conway 11 [2.1%]
  • 4) Samuel L. Moore 10 [1.91%]
  • 28) Lyda Krewson 10 [1.91%]
  • 11) Thomas Albert Villa 7 [1.34%]
  • 27) Gregory Carter 7 [1.34%]
  • 22) Jeffrey L. Boyd 6 [1.15%]
  • 23) Joseph Vaccaro 6 [1.15%]
  • 2) Dionne Flowers 5 [0.96%]
  • 10) Joseph Vollmer 5 [0.96%]
  • 12) Larry Arnowitz 4 [0.76%]
  • 16) Donna Baringer 4 [0.76%]
  • None of them 2 [0.38%]
  • 14) Carol Howard 2 [0.38%]
  • Unsure/no answer 1 [0.19%]
  • 24) Scott Ogilvie 1 [0.19%]
  • 25) Shane Cohn 1 [0.19%]
  • 26) Frank Williamson 0 [0%]

No votes for Williamson? Someone I know didn’t vote then.

Clearly many of them don’t know when to make an exit.  Twenty-six years?  If we want them out we’ve got to make it happen by challenging them at the next election, recall or just being so critical of everything they finally give up and step aside so younger folks can take a shot at leadership.

Odd numbered wards, seven of the top ten, are up again in 2013. Start planning your campaign today!

– Steve Patterson




Readers Overwhelmingly Support Bill Regulating Scrap Metal Dealers

ABOVE: Cash's Scrap Metal on N. Broadway couldn't pay customers in cash is a new bill becomes law

Last week readers voted overwhelmingly in support of BB86 which sets up requirements for scrap metal dealers to help reduce metal theft:

  1. Good, something needs to stop metal thieves 94 [77.69%]
  2. Something needs to be done but mailing checks isn’t realistic 15 [12.4%]
  3. Other answer… 5 [4.13%]
  4. Bad, more government regulation of private business 4 [3.31%]
  5. Requiring the mailing of checks will hurt honest scrappers 3 [2.48%]
  6. Unsure/no opinion 0 [0%]

The five other answers were:

  1. both the 3rd and 4th option
  2. I need more time to educate myself on the scrap industry and the legislation.
  3. Expropriate the property of all scrap/brick dealers
  4. Give them checks do not mail them.
  5. take photo, match to drivers license before paying

I still think requiring computerization and the mailing of checks is unrealistic. Time will tell.

– Steve Patterson



Poll: Which Alderperson(s) would you like to see out of office?

ABOVE: St. Louis City Hall

If you follow politics in the City of St. Louis you probably have a favorite member of the Board of Aldermen.  And conversely, you probably have at least one you think should no longer be in office.  Through not running, defeat at the polls or even a recall, I’d like you to pick the alderperson(s) you think shouldn’t be in office.

I don’t typically vote in my own poll but I want to this week.  I realized I couldn’t pick just one , or even three, so I’m allowing you to pick up to five answers. I want more than five out of office but I felt I could fairly narrow my list down to five.  I realize this poll  isn’t entirely fair, some alderpersons have barely been in office two months, whereas others have been in office more than two decades.

Typically I have the poll software randomize the answers but this week they are fixed, presented in order of ward number.  The poll is in the upper right corner of the blog.  If all goes as planned on Wednesday July 13th I will be able to present a ranking of all 28 plus the citywide President. Who knows, I might even name the five I ‘m going to select in this poll.

– Steve Patterson


Really!?! with Steve and Steve

Really Marlene Davis? You had no idea the developer wants to raze the existing 1960s flying saucer building? Really?

Really, you told me on the phone Wednesday nobody has mentioned demolition to you? Really!?!

Really, you introduce a board bill last week with the sentence “Demolition of the existing building in the Area is necessary and desirable to allow for redevelopment of the Area in accordance with the Plan” and then email me saying “the bill I presented today was for tax abatement”? Really!?!

Really, haven’t you heard of this thing called the internet?  You didn’t know people can easily fact check and compare notes? Really!?!

Wow! Really!?!

My apologies to Seth  & Amy.

Further reading:


– Steve Patterson







