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St. Charles School District Faces Financial Issues

October 17, 2005 Politics/Policy, Suburban Sprawl Comments Off on St. Charles School District Faces Financial Issues

Yes, suburban St. Charles School District is facing financial shortfalls in coming years and is considering closing some neighborhood schools. The once booming district has seen enrollment drop over the last few years.

This was completely predictable.

Just as the City of St. Louis lost population and students to St. Louis County we are seeing a repeat performance in St. Charles County. Most of the district is located in the older City of St. Charles, which is not expanding, while the rest of the county is turning farms and flood plain into sprawl as fast as they can.

School districts in the newest areas of St. Charles County are dealing with rapidly increasing student populations, straining budgets to build new schools and pay for fuel to transport students. Neighborhood schools just don’t exist in the new sprawl.

The myth of this idyllic county are unraveling before our eyes. It will be interesting to see if they have learned from mistakes made in our cities over the last 60 years or if they will be repeated.

– Steve


This Eminent Domain Thing Is Fun


I got to thinking more about eminent domain and decided to play developer. How fun! Someone should make a board game version.

So where would be a good spot for a new sprawl center I thought? They love highway access so I-44 came to mind. The area South of Arsenal seems perfect with good on and off ramps and being close to Watson as well. High traffic count on Arsenal was also a plus.

The image at right shows the area I had in mind. It is bordered on the North by Arsenal Street, Leona Ave on the East, Bradley Ave on the South and I-44 on the West. Just the right size for a typical development.

I’m sure the people that live there wouldn’t mind moving. After all, this is the kind of thing that is good for the city — taking homes for big boxes. The owners will get settlements for more than their properties are worth so they shouldn’t complain.

The businesses located along Ivanhoe can also relocate or perhaps lease space in one of the new outlot parcels. They are just small potatoes anyway — not as important as national big box chains. Hey — I’m really getting the hang of this game! Did you notice how the name of Ivanhoe Commons is a play on the street being destroyed — that earns me bonus points.

But I’m willing to bet the Mayor won’t be too thrilled about this development. Why not you ask? Simple, I doubt he’d want to tell his parents that a Circuit City is more important than their family home.

– Steve


St. Louis Mayor Is Wrong on Eminent Domain

The following was a message from The Mayor’s Desk today:

Ban Would Harm the City

A group of outstate legislators has proposed a ban on eminent domain for all but the most basic public purposes.

I agree that the state’s laws regarding eminent domain should be changed. The changes should make the process fairer for property owners and return eminent domain to its original purpose of re-development, rather than the development of virgin land. That’s why I’ve been working with the Governor’s Committee on Eminent Domain and with state legislators to make adjustments to state law that will continue to allow eminent domain to be used appropriately in places like the City of St. Louis, while preventing the types of abuses that have made headlines over the past several months.

Why should the City keep the tool of eminent domain?

The City of St. Louis has plenty of abandoned and deteriorating buildings and lots that are privately owned. These abandoned properties wreak havoc with our economy, havoc with quality of life in our neighborhoods, and havoc with our City budget. The City spends millions of dollars each year demolishing some vacant buildings and boarding up others, cutting weeds on vacant lots, attempting to keep vandals from committing various crimes on these properties, and citing properties for code violations — the same properties, again and again and again. We must be able to acquire these properties to assemble sites and put them back into productive use. We cannot afford to let them continue as economic and social liabilities.

In addition, the City needs new retail, business and residential development. And economic development these days means sites of 10-15 acres, not the 25-foot lots in which most of our City was originally developed.

A significant portion of the massive amounts of redevelopment activity that we have seen in here in the past four years would not have been possible without the use of eminent domain.

The City uses eminent domain sparingly, mostly to address problem properties and to clear up the titles of abandoned properties. We use it to assemble small lots into useful sites. Very rarely, we use it to acquire a non-problem property that is critical to a large development in an area plagued by problems.

Keep in mind:

Eminent domain is usually expensive. Property owners are often compensated with amounts far in excess of the value of their properties.
It is time consuming. It often takes years for the court process to be concluded.
And it is unpredictable.

As a result, eminent domain is only used in the City when it’s the only way to complete site assembly at a semi-reasonable price. And in most eminent domain cases, generous settlements are achieved prior to the court outcome.

Here’s the bottom line on eminent domain for the City: Any ban that failed to preserve the sorts of uses the City requires would stop our revitalization in its tracks.

Wow, we’d better not oppose eminent domain or we’ll be responsible for halting the revitalization of the city! What a threat! Politician’s and their yes men (and women) love to make controversial issues like this into a black in white issue (so to speak). They make it all cut and dry and then attempt to paint the opposition as being the ones stifling progress. Classic, very classic.

Everyone knows the mere threat of eminent domain is enough to scare most people away. The city blights an area and property owners see the writing on the wall. So they sell out rather than spend their life savings on a lawyer in an attempt to save their home or business.

The Mayor does have a valid point about properties that are a vacant and a continuing nuisance. But the city already can’t handle the vacant buildings and lots it owns through tax foreclosure so to acquire more through eminent domain seems to be a stretch of already limited funds. Yes, keeping eminent domain for long vacant or properties with a long history of building violations makes sense. Everything else is questionable.

The Mayor would love for you to believe this is about vacant buildings and protecting the public safety from crimes. In truth this is about giving private property to big money developers for shopping, research centers, biomed complexes or QuikTrip gas stations.

But the part that really got me was this sentence:

In addition, the City needs new retail, business and residential development. And economic development these days means sites of 10-15 acres, not the 25-foot lots in which most of our City was originally developed

If only they went after 10-15 acres. The sprawl center known as Loughborough Commons is 30 acres and took nice occupied homes. The new SLU research tower is only on 9 acres but that is for a single building, a major waste of land that forced the relocation of longtime city business Peerless Restaurant Supply. But the grand daddy of all is the current attempt to grab 173 acres for a biomed center (article) at the request of a collaboration of Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Saint Louis University, University of Missouri-St. Louis, Washington University and the Missouri Botanical Gardens. Fighting any one of these would be a formidable task but put them together and any property owner might as well bend over. Add to the mix ribbon cutting happy elected officials and you can kiss your personal property goodbye.

Urban hating developers and elected officials want to convince everyone that 25ft wide lots are obsolete. Nothing can be done unless you have 10-173 acres. Never mind that civilizations have existed for centuries without such massive sites. Major cities where land is valuable and urban density is even more valuable just don’t advocate for such massive projects. Sure, Lowe’s isn’t going to build on a 25ft wide lot but in a city with all the vacant lots owned by the city you’d think this administration could find a way to bring investment without needing to take people’s homes and businesses. Pity all those vacant lots aren’t near highway interchanges or the big cats. You’d think the city would be more practical about these matters!

But, this is the same city that told a property owner he couldn’t tear down the Century Building for parking, acquired the property, and then proceeded to raze the building for parking. Maybe this is just par for the course.

– Steve


Downtown Now! Looking A Bit Dated

Today my research took me to the Downtown Now! website. I’ve been there numerous times but this time I approached it with a more critical eye. Here is their welcome message:

Downtown Now! is a partnership of public and private sector representatives dedicated to the revitalization of downtown St. Louis. Our four main areas of focus are Washington Avenue, the Old Post Office, the Gateway Mall, and Laclede’s Landing.

So who are the public and private representatives that make up this organization? When you go to the “partners” page you get the list. Don’t look for any active residents or local small business owners. This is a top-down big business & government group — the least likely to actually revitalize downtown.

First we’ve got representatives from other civic boosting groups; Regional Commerce and Growth Association (RCGA), St. Louis Convention and Visitors Commission (SLCVC), Downtown St. Louis Partnership and St. Louis 2004. I would have linked to St. Louis 2004 but it seems their website is no longer up and running. Businesses are Bank of America, SBC and the former May Company. The rest is comprised of elected or appointed officials from the City of St. Louis.

Prominent on their main page is a logo for Celebrate 2004 along with the text “What’s Happening in 2004?” Uh, last time I check it is October of 2005 and rapidly approaching 2006. Clicking on the link just gives me an access denied message. That isn’t going to do a good job revitalizing downtown.

But really the group is charged with developing an action plan:

Downtown Now! is a public/private partnership created in 1997 to develop a five-to-seven year action plan for revitalizing Downtown St. Louis, Missouri. The City of St. Louis officially adopted the Downtown Development Action Plan in December of 1999. The Action Plan comprises $1.5 billion in public/ private investment and identifies four focus areas for revitalization.

So eight years have passed since Downtown Now! was created. But the Secretary of State’s website indicates the organization was created on November 1st of 1999, not 1997. Okay, so in a couple of weeks six years will have passed for this “five-to-seven year” mission. Are they in wrap-up mode? It doesn’t appear so. The organization is a “perpetual” non-profit per the state.

The “action plan” was adopted by the city in December of 1999 and thankfully much has happened since then. These last six years have been quite exciting to watch. Say you are a developer from another city and you hear about all the good things happening in St. Louis. You find Downtown Now!’s website and look through the action plan. As a six year old document you look for something more current. Then you see the “progress map” to show what has been done and what is under construction. This is certainly a great way to communicate where we are in completing the overall plan. One problem. The progress map hasn’t been updated since May 2001 — well over four years ago! Certainly downtown has progressed in the last four and a half years. Shouldn’t the revitalization organization communicate this progress?

The question that comes to mind for me is how many public-private non-profits do we need operating downtown? Consider this from the Downtown St. Louis Partnership website:

The Downtown St. Louis Partnership is a not-for-profit organization representing its members in pursuit of a healthy and vital downtown area. In that role, it also serves as the manager of the Community Improvement District that provides funding to implement services that make downtown clean, safe and inviting.

And before anyone says that the Downtown St. Louis Partnership is not a public-private organization just remember that the City of St. Louis, a public government, is a member.

A non-profit working to improve downtown is a good idea but I personally think it would be more effective coming from a more grass roots level. We certainly don’t need both the Downtown Now! and the Downtown St. Louis Partnership.

– Steve


Ask And Ye Shall Receive, Three Days Later

September 30, 2005 Politics/Policy 1 Comment

On the 26th I posted that I was wondering what ever became of the CBD traffic study from August. Yesterday, the 29th, MayorSlay.com posts an update.

Perhaps a coincidence but perhaps not…

– Steve






