Like many in St. Louis I was disappointed by the list of churches announced on Friday. One of the most disappointing is the closing, oh excuse me, “suppression” of Resurrection of Our Lord Church on Meramec.
First, this church and all the others on the closing list are an important part of their respective communities. But this closing, along with St. Hedwig Church and St. Anthony School, are all in the 25th Ward – the Ward in which I am seeking to become the Alderman. The tower at Resurrection can be seen from great distances.
For years I’ve admired Resurrection. I’m a modernist and this is one of the best modern churches I’ve ever seen. Walking along Meramec it draws you up the steps and into the front door. The alignment of one set of doors with the old school across the street is brilliant. Parking, as it should be for a neighborhood church, is limited and at the back off the alley.
The future of the buildings of this parish are uncertain at this point. If you have not had a chance to see this church I strongly suggest you do so before it closes.

– Steve