A big primary is coming up on Tuesday August 2nd. Among the many offices up for grabs is that of Missouri governor. There are four candidates on both the Democratic & Republican ballots, but it’s almost certain AG Koster will win the 4-way Democratic primary. Who he will face in the November 8th general election is anybody’s guess.
From the Washington Post back in April:
2. Missouri (D) OPEN: Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon is term-limited, and Democrats are turning to state Attorney General Chris Koster, a former Republican, to keep the mansion in Democratic hands. It’s going to be tough, given Missouri’s governor’s race is a toss-up in a state that, notably, has voted for the Republican candidate for president since 2000. But Koster’s chances are getting better with each passing day that Republicans muddle through a primary with four solid candidates, all of them viable: Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, former state House speaker Catherine Hanaway, former Navy SEAL Eric Greitens, and businessman and former Senate candidate John Brunner. Each has their own advantage, whether it be money or résumé. As such, the August Republican primary risks damaging the eventual nominee just two months before the general election. In addition, all of them have to be careful to avoid any political third rails when it comes to controversial legislation to give businesses and individuals the right to refuse service to same-sex couples. (Some of Missouri’s biggest businesses are opposed to the law.) If this seat does go red, Republicans have good reason to think it will stay that way for a while. But Missouri voters are famously hard to pin down, and they have a few more months to watch Republicans battle it out. (Washington Post: The top 5 governors races in 2016)
If you’ve watched any television in the last month you’ve been bombarded by ad after ad. But if you’ve missed the ads, here are the most recent for each, in ballot order:
Not that I’m a fan of Koster, but I want the least electable GOP candidate to win the primary. But my want is different than who I think will actually win. So I’m putting the question to you:
The responses are shown in random order, the non-scientific poll will close at 8pm tonight. If I see evidence of a campaign to significantly alter the results I’ll close the poll early.
The St. Louis Board of Aldermen usually meet at 10am on Fridays, but last week they met on Thursday June 30 — off the Friday before the July 4th holiday.
St. Louis City Hall
Though no new bills were introduced, the meeting was nearly three hours long. See the agenda here.
They will meet tomorrow morning, but will then have a 2-month summer break. They’ll resume regular meetings on Friday September 9, 2016. It should be noted the chambers where their meetings are held are not air conditioned,
Do not fear, lobbyists — your place on the floor of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen is safe for the foreseeable future.
The city’s rules committee on Wednesday voted down a piece of legislation sponsored by Alderman Megan-Ellyia Green, D-15th Ward, that would have banished lobbyists to the hall, the galleries, or the side rooms at City Hall. Just one committee member, Alderman Christine Ingrassia, D-6th Ward, voted yes. (St. Louis Public Radio)
One new Board Bill was introduced at the St. Louis Board of Aldermen on Friday 6/24/2016:
Board Bill No. 99 | Ordinance relating to Office of Recorder of Deeds
BOARD BILL NO. 99 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ An ordinance relating to the employees and salaries of the Office of the Recorder of Deeds; repealing Ordinances #69192 approved pertaining to the Office of the Recorder of Deeds and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance pertaining to the same subject matter and containing an emergency clause.
BOARD BILL NO. 86 INTRODUCED BY ALD. JOHN COATAR An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 721 Victor St./2403-15 S. 7th St. (“Area”) after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 and Chapter 353 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the “Statutes” being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive and Chapter 353), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis (“City”), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”, finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated May 24, 2016 for the Area (“Plan”), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit “B”, pursuant to Sections 99.430 and 353.020 (4); finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”) through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available ten (10) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
BOARD BILL NO. 87 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOHN COATAR An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the Kosciusko Industrial Site I (“Area”) after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 and Chapter 353 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000, as amended, (the “Statutes” being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive and Chapter 353), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis (“City”), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”, finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated May 24, 2016 for the Area (“Plan”), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit “B”, pursuant to Sections 99.430 and 353.020 (4); finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (“LCRA”) through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available up to a twenty-five (25) year real estate tax abatement; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
BOARD BILL NO. 88 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER An ordinance requiring that requests for Traffic Calming, as defined herein, and related traffic complaints, received by the City of St. Louis be managed in accordance with a centralized process to be called the City of St. Louis Traffic Calming Policy; granting the Director of Streets authority to develop and promulgate the City of St. Louis Traffic Calming Policy, subject to the Board of Public Service approval; containing an emergency clause.
BOARD BILL NO. 89 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON An ordinance to amend Ordinance 70285 by removing Section 29 of Ordinance 70285, providing an effective date and including an emergency clause.
Board Bill No. 90 | Ordinance establishing 3-way stop at Marquette & Prather
BOARD BILL NO. 90 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO An Ordinance establishing a three-way stop site at the intersection of Marquette Avenue and Prather Avenue by regulating all eastbound and westbound traffic traveling on Marquette Avenue at Prather Avenue and regulating all northbound traffic traveling on Prather Avenue at Marquette Avenue, and containing an emergency clause.
BOARD BILL #91 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN JACK COATAR An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to conditionally vacate above surface, surface and sub-surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in 17 foot wide north/south alley in City Block 840 as bounded by Barton St., 7th St., Victor St. and 9th St. in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
BOARD BILL #92 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to conditionally vacate above surface, surface and sub-surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in 17.5 foot wide north/south alley in City Block 5334 from Terrace Ave. south 150.07 feet to the 15 foot wide east/west alley in City Block 5334 as bounded by Terrace Ave., Christy Blvd.. Gravois Ave. and Dahlia Ave. in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
Board Bill No. 93 | Ordinance authorizing Parcel Development Agreement
BOARD BILL # 93 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN TAMMIKA HUBBARD An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing the execution of a Parcel Development Agreement by and among The City of St. Louis, Missouri, Northside Regeneration, LLC, and St. Louis Grocery Real Estate, LLC; prescribing the form and details of said Parcel Development Agreement; authorizing certain actions by City officials; and containing a severability clause.
BOARD BILL NO. 94 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN DONNA BARINGER An Ordinance establishing a four-way stop site at the intersection of Walsh Street and Clifton Avenue by regulating all eastbound and westbound traffic traveling on Walsh Street at Clifton Avenue and regulating all northbound and southbound traffic traveling on Clifton Avenue at Walsh Street, and containing an emergency clause.
Board Bill No. 95 |Ordinance prohibiting the installation of any new pole signs
BOARD BILL NO. 95 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN SHARON TYUS An ordinance prohibiting the installation of any new pole signs, any sandwich signs, limiting signage to one sign attached to the building and establishing a closing time of 7:00 p.m., for all businesses located on Kingshighway Memorial Boulevard, containing an exception, and containing an emergency clause.
Board Bill No. 96 | Ordinance to close traffic at Wabada west of Union
BOARD BILL NO. 96 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN SHARON TYUS An Ordinance amending Ordinance 70238 directing the Director of Streets to permanently close barricade or otherwise impede the flow of Traffic at Wabada 75 feet east the west curb line of Union Boulevard and containing an emergency clause.
Board Bill No. 97 | Ordinance to close traffic at Terry & Kingshighway
BOARD BILL NO. 97 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN SHARON TYUS An Ordinance amending Ordinance 70224 directing the Director of Streets to permanently close barricade or otherwise impede the flow of Traffic at Terry Avenue at the west curb line of Kingshighway Memorial Boulevard and containing an emergency clause.
BOARD BILL NO. 98 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD An Ordinance pertaining to miscellaneous fees or surcharges imposed by the City Courts; amending Section Two of Ordinance 56787, codified as Section 3.08.240 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, by providing for the assessment of a four dollar ($4.00) fee imposed by the City Courts for payment of court costs by means other than cash or negotiable instrument in order to cover the transaction costs imposed by credit card companies or other payment providers and containing an emergency clause.
Video of the meeting, which includes “perfection” of BB64 (starts at 1:03:50) :
June 21, 2016Featured, Politics/PolicyComments Off on Absentee Voting Begins Today for August 2nd Primary
Vintage photo of the former offices of the St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners. From my collection
Absentee voting for the Missouri’s August 2nd primary begins today. Since the St. Louis region has too many units of government to list all races/candidates, I’m focusing on the ballot voters in the City of St. Louis will face.
My list here differs slightly from the sample ballot:
I’ve omitted races with only a single candidate
Races listed here are in reverse order, though candidates are still in ballot order for their respective race.
If you read this in the order presented you’ll see smaller parties/races first.
At this point I’m endorsing in only three races, all on the Democratic Ballot:
All three are challenging Rodney or Penny Hubbard. I know all three personally and have donated a small amount to each campaign. We recently hosted a meet & greet for them.
Below are challenged races in the August 2nd partisan primary:
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historic architecture of St. Louis, Missouri – mourning the losses, celebrating the survivors.
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