St. Louis County Voters Approved Proposition A 5 years Ago Today
Five years ago today St. Louis County voters approved a tax increase to support public transit:
By a wide margin, county voters approved a half-cent increase to the transit sales tax to restore lost bus and Call-A-Ride service and, eventually, expand the reach of mass transit farther into the St. Louis suburbs. (Post-Dispatch)
This ballot victory triggered a previously-approved sales tax increase in the city. Attempts in 1997 & 2008 were rejected by St. Louis County voters.

After the fall 2008 defeat transit advocates approached the 2010 campaign differently, producing outstanding results:
The measure passed by a monstrous 24 point margin. The St. Louis Tea Party focused its energy on defeating the civic project, calling the campaign a test run for defeating Democrats in this fall’s midterm elections. So it’s a setback for them.
But it’s good news for those wanting to get around the St. Louis metro area. The “proposition A” measure will restore bus lines that had been de-funded, pay for more frequent buses, prevent future cuts, and, eventually, expand the reach of transit further into area suburbs. (Grist)
The greatest support came from north county voters, the highest users of transit in the county.
— Steve Patterson