Urban Homesteading Eliminates the Green Acres City vs Country Issue
Forty-four years ago today the CBS TV series Green Acres was first broadcast. I loved repeats of this series during the 1970s. Part of me wanted to live in the urban penthouse while another part wanted to try the farming thing. The show started with Lisa Douglas (Eva Gabor) crying over the prospect of leaving the city to follow her husband’s dream of farming the land:
So why am I talking about a campy 60s sitcom? Last night I listened to Amanda Doyle interview a father (Jules Dervaes) and daughter (Anais Dervaes) on KDHX taking about their urban homestead in Pasadena California where they use their typical urban lot to grow food for themselves and sell the rest to others.

Lisa Douglas didn’t need to be dragged out of the city for Oliver Douglas to farm, a small plot of land in the city is sufficient.  Their website is http://www.pathtofreedom.com/.
The podcast of the interview should be posted on KDHX shortly and is usually available for a week or so. The podcasts are also on iTunes.
Speaking of farms, today is “Fresh from the Family Farm, a restaurant event to benefit Farm Aid. Participating restaurants will donate 20% of their September 15 profits to Farm Aid.” I visited The Terrace View in Citygarden for lunch and will do another restaurant on the participant for dinner tonight. Will be either Local Harvest Cafe, Stellina Pasta or Pi.
– Steve Patterson