Making Bike Lanes Visible & Useful
When visiting Portland, OR you notice a lot of bicyclists. Then you notice why.
The city of Portland has bike parking everywhere and many connecting bike lanes to help the cyclist navigate through the city. Above, the green on the pavement is to mark the spot where motorists can get over for a right turn. It alerts the motorist they are crossing a bike lane. The cyclist is alerted to be on the lookout for right turning cars.
Look further into the picture, the bike lane continues on the other side of the intersection. Yesterday I was driving home across the new Jefferson Ave viaduct. On the South end was a sign indicating the start of a bike lane. Sure enough, at the end of the bridge a sign indicated the end of the bike lane. So cyclists are on their own to get to the bridge and to keep going after they cross. Brilliant.
Portland has cyclists not due to great weather but due to great thought into bicycling as transportation. In St. Louis bike lanes are simply a way to rope off exceess pavement.