Large Public Spaces Require Bold Plantings
For the last few years the plantings downtown have been spectacular. They have not been little tiny fragile flowers. Instead they have been large & bold — commanding attention from far away, drawing the visitor in to get a closer inspection.
Planning planting beds for expansive public spaces viewed from different angles requires a different approach than what you might do at home in front of the foundation.
A fews years back I met the guy responsible for the annual plantings along Market, in Kiener Plaza, in front of and on City Hall and so on. Unfortunately his name and the name of the organization escapes me. Well, kudos!
I hope to enlist the help of the group responsible for these plantings to help with efforts in Lucas Park next Spring. We don’t need minuscule pansies or marigolds. We need seriously large plants such as these. We don’t need a large variety, a few well placed planting beds and perhaps a few containers would do the trick.
What needs to be determined is if we have enough gardeners among the loft dwellers to plant & maintain some beds like these. I think it is possible. This can accomplish a couple of things — create a beautiful sunken garden in Lucas Park while perhaps also giving downtown residents a place to practice their green thumb.
I’m collecting images such as these to show at the upcoming Design Charrette for Lucas Park on Monday November 17th. While I’m talking to these folks I need to see if they can do something with the medians along 18th near Union Station and Truman Parkway near Ameren. That bare dirt & weeds scheme just isn’t cutting it anymore.