Preservation Board To Decide Fate of San Luis Today (Updated)
St. Louis’ Preservation Board will, later today, hear a request by the St. Louis Archdiocese to raze the San Luis. Built as the DeVille Motor Hotel in the early 1960s, the Archdiocese wants parking rather than a hotel or apartments. I’m not a fan of the building, but even vacant it is preferable to a parking lot.
The Archdiocese must demonstrate that it is not feasible to rehab the structure. Most likely they will present information to this effect. The full criteria is in the City’s report to the Preservation Board. Opponents of the demolition need to stick to the established criteria in the applicable ordinances.
The Preservation Board meeting is scheduled to start at 4pm today (6/22/2009) at 1015 Locust Suite 1200. This item is the 5th on the agenda. Those wishing to address the Preservation Board must arrive early and sign in. I have a presentation in class tonight so I will not be able to attend. I may stop by after class.
If I were a gambling man I’d say they vote to permit demolition. It somewhat depends upon which members are absent from the meeting.
– Steve Patterson
Update 6/22/2009 @ 10:30pm — The Preservation Board tonight just before 10pm voted 3-2 to grant preliminary approval to the demolition and construction of a surface parking lot. I’ve never felt any passion for the building but I do feel strongly against surface parking at this location. In the end it came down to the fact the Archdioses refused to consider anything other than what they wanted. I would have denied their request — eventually they would be willing to compromise — getting the parking they want in a renovated & occupuied building.