County Market Near Downtown Springfield IL Retrofits A Pedestrian Route

In March I posted about a new grocery store on the edge of downtown Springfield IL (map) that anticipated many customers on foot, but they expected these pedestrians to either use the automobile driveways or walk over curbs and through grass & lots of parking.  A few days after my post, Springfield Journal-Register columnist Dave Bakke wrote Some criticisms of Springfield justified mentioning my criticism, later Bakke followed up with Critique of Springfield’s image touches nerve.

Here's what customers leaving the entrance facing Carpenter see now.
Here’s what customers leaving the entrance facing Carpenter see now.
Back in March the New County Market near downtown Springfield didn't have a route for pedestrians to/from the public sidewalk.
Back in March the New County Market near downtown Springfield didn’t have a route for pedestrians to/from the public sidewalk. The only provision was to reach disabled parking.

From this angle the change isn’t significant, no paint on asphalt will keep a distracted driver from hitting a pedestrian.  But look out toward the street and you’ll see new concrete.

From the public sidewalk you can see the new route they added.
From the public sidewalk you can see the new route they added so pedestrians don’t have to compete with cars.

I appreciate the after the fact gesture, but this is a good example why pedestrian access, just like automobile access, must be planned from the beginning. The new concrete walk does not meet ADA guidelines, it is too steep in places. I didn’t have my digital level with me on our Mother’s Day trip, but I could tell by walking it.

This route shown above is a consolation prize for pedestrians, it connects to Carpenter St only, not to 2nd St. Even if they retrofitted a route to 2nd it still wouldn’t be considered pedestrian-friendly. As I pointed out in my original post, the County Market in Champaign-Urbana is the model that should’ve been built in Springfield. It was built on a corner with direct access from both sidewalks. It also has a parking lot behind the building, with another entrance. Same number of entrances as the Springfield location, just arranged so customers arriving on foot or car are equally accommodated.

From the mezzanine you can see the route able-bodied pedestrians will likely take, cutting across the parking lot at a diagonal.
From the mezzanine you can see the route able-bodied pedestrians will likely take, cutting across the parking lot at a diagonal.

Springfield, like St. Louis and most cities, should not allow parking between the public sidewalk and buildings in areas where they seek to be pedestrian-friendly. In all other areas where public sidewalks are present/required they should require developers to actually connect to them. Public sidewalks are not window dressing, people actually use them.

If motorists were treated like pedestrians, no parking lot would have a driveway connecting to the public street. You’d be forced to drive over multiple curbs and through grass. All cars could be able to enter & exit, but 4X4 vehicles would have an easier time. While people could use parkings lot this way, they’d soon realize it wasn’t friendly and is potentially  damaging their vehicle. Those with high-clearance SUVs wouldn’t understand why a person driving a vintage MG Midget would complain, besides how often do you see one of those on the road… Why build costly driveways for the few people who have low cars?

Municipal zoning & building codes in cities coast to coast go to great lengths to detail every aspect of our arrival at developments by car: driveways, width of aisles, parking space dimensions, number of spaces, etc. Few say a word about arrival on foot.

It is no wonder so few people walk given our built environment.

— Steve Patterson


Readers Pick Urban Chestnut As Favorite St. Louis Brew Pub

The votes are in and Urban Chestnut is the favorite St. Louis brew pub among UrbanReviewSTL readers, with a comfortable lead over 2nd place Tap Room. Results at end.

The beer garden at dawn
The beer garden at Urban Chestnut has a wonderful feel
Inside Urban Chestnut
Inside Urban Chestnut
Cheese board at Urban Chestnut pairs nicely with their beers
Cheese board at Urban Chestnut pairs nicely with their beers

Congratulations to everyone at Urban Chestnut!

Here are the results/links:

  1. Urban Chestnut 73 [20.86%]
  2. Tap Room 55 [15.71%]
  3. Civil Life 50 [14.29%]
  4. 4 Hands 31 [8.86%]
  5. Square One 29 [8.29%]
  6. Bottleworks 24 [6.86%]
  7. Six Row 24 [6.86%]
  8. Perennial 20 [5.71%]
  9. Morgan Street 10 [2.86%]
  10. Trailhead Brewing 7 [2%]
  11. Ferguson Brewing 6 [1.71%]
  12. Kirkwood Station 5 [1.43%]
  13. Augusta Brewing 5 [1.43%]
  14. Buffalo Brewing 3 [0.86%]
  15. Cathedral Square 3 [0.86%]
  16. Other: 3 [0.86%]
  17. Alpha Brewing 2 [0.57%]

I was glad to see the newly opened Alpha Brewing received some votes, I was afraid it wouldn’t since it’s so new.  I’ve been to too few of the brew pubs on this list so I need to get out more.

Here are the three “other” answers supplied by those taking the poll:

  1. i dont drink
  2. Anheuser-Busch Brewery Tour!
  3. AB

One doesn’t have to drink to enjoy a brew pub, I’ve been to the Tap Room many times without drinking. Sorry, Anheuser-Busch is not a brew pub.

— Steve Patterson


Potential Development Sites Along Proposed Streetcar Line, Part 4: Olive 18th to Jefferson

Today I’ll continue looking at potential development sites along the proposed St. Louis Streetcar route. So far in this series I’ve covered:

  1. Olive 15th-16th
  2. Olive 16th-18th
  3. 14th & Olive To North Florissant & St. Louis Ave.

With the north-south section covered, I’ll resume heading west on Olive starting at 18th. For information on properties I checked city records on GEO St. Louis, it is generally reliable.

1800 Olive, built in 1962, contributes nothing
1800 Olive, built in 1962, contributes nothing. It is owned by the Salvation Army, which owns the Railton Apartments next door.
The corner burger joint dates to 1954, per city records.
The one-story White Knight Diner at 1801 Olive dates to 1954, but it makes a positive contribution to the public realm. This place was featured in the 1990 film “White Palace” with Susan Sarandon & James Spader, click image for more information on this film.
MERS/Goodwill owns much of this city block
MERS/Goodwill owns much of this city block


The Currency Exchange owns the building at 1809 Olive, it has no parking despite being surrounded by parking.
The Currency Exchange owns the building at 1809 Olive, it has no off-street parking despite being surrounded by parking. It was built in 1926.
The surface parking lot between the Currency Exchange and 19th Street belongs to the police, came with the building that'll be the new HQ next year. This reduces development potential unless they can get by with the parking in the building.
The surface parking lot between the Currency Exchange and 19th Street belongs to the police, came with the building that’ll be the new HQ next year. This reduces development potential unless they can get by with the parking located within the building.
This building faces Olive, 19th, & Pine. It was most recently a charter school.It should become occupied and hopefully altered, see below.
This building faces Olive, 19th, & Pine. It was most recently a charter school.It should become occupied and hopefully altered, see below.
A doorway could be added to to enter the ground floor without a need for a ramp or steps. This could be for retail  and/or restaurant.
A doorway could be added to to enter the ground floor from Olive without a need for a ramp or steps. This could be for retail and/or restaurant.
Four buildings, four owners. Three from 19th century, one 20th century. The beige one-story building is from 1896!
Four buildings, four owners. Three from 19th century, one 20th century. The beige one-story building is from 1896, but it has been significantly altered.
The large parking lot fronting Olive, 20th & Pine is owned by an out of state entity, it should be more valuable developed.
The large parking lot fronting Olive, 20th & Pine is owned by an out of state entity, it should be more valuable developed.
2001 Olive was actually built in 1892, as a one-story building. In 1909 it was surrounded by taller buildings.
2001 Olive was actually built in 1892, as a one-story building with 4 storefronts facing Olive and 3 facing 20th. By 1909 it was surrounded by taller buildings. Click image to view 1909 Sanborn map.
The narrow building at 2011 Olive was built in 1919.
The narrow building at 2011 Olive was built in 1919. The empty lot on the east (right) is owned by the owner of the previous building.
This space at 2015 Olive is west of the previous building and has the same owner. This would make s nice patio/beer garden.
This space at 2015 Olive is west of the previous building and has the same owner. This would make s nice patio/beer garden.
The rest of this block-face to 21st is these two buildings with the same ownership. The one on the left was built in 1903, the former Hamilton-Brown Shoe Factory. The one-story building on the right is from 1955. A taller building could replace the one on the right.
The rest of this block-face to 21st is these two buildings with the same ownership. The one on the left was built in 1903, the former Hamilton-Brown Shoe Factory. The one-story building on the right is from 1955. A taller building could replace the one on the right.
The 3rd floor is for lease but offices occupy the ground floor. The owner occupies most of the building, perhaps they can reconfigure so the ground floor becomes restaurant/retail space.
The 3rd floor is for lease but offices occupy the ground floor. The owner occupies much of the building, perhaps they can reconfigure so the ground floor becomes restaurant/retail space.
The remaining buildings on the south side of Olive, west of 20th, were built in 1926. This is within another proposed Northside Regeneration job center.
The remaining buildings on the south side of Olive, west of 20th, were built in 1926. This is within another proposed Northside Regeneration job center.
The block bounded by Olive, Pine, 21st, & 22nd, was cleared for the unbuilt 22nd Street Parkway.  21st & 22nd were vacated, these should be reopened.
The block bounded by Olive, Pine, 21st, & 22nd, was cleared for the unbuilt 22nd Street Parkway. 21st & 22nd were vacated, these should be reopened.
St. Louis Brewery, owner of the Tap Room, owns this parking lot at 21st & Olive. Easily developed or turned into a beer garden.
St. Louis Brewery, owner of the Tap Room, owns this parking lot at 21st & Olive. Easily developed or turned into a beer garden.
Both of these buildings have the same owner and have been renovated within the last 5-10 years. Not sure if additional floors are an option.
Both of these buildings have the same owner and have been renovated within the last 5-10 years. Not sure if additional floors are an option.
The State of Missouri owns the vacant land at 22nd, part of the 22nd Parkway right-of-way.
The State of Missouri owns the vacant land at 22nd, part of the 22nd Parkway right-of-way.
I've long thought 22000 Locust was ripe for redevelopment. May 2010 photo.
I’ve long thought 22000 Locust was ripe for redevelopment. May 2010 photo.
It's getting renovated right now.
It’s getting renovated into apartments right now, click image for more information.
Unfortunately the corner lot at 2201 Olive, just cleared of a non-urban building, will become a new surface parking lot for the development.
Unfortunately the corner lot at 2201 Olive, just cleared of a non-urban building, will become a new surface parking lot for the apartment development.
The building at 2209 Olive (right) was built in 1906, but you can't tell it. Expect lots of changes in this block.
The building at 2209 Olive (right) was built in 1906, but you can’t tell it. Expect lots of changes in this block.
The 1922 building at 2231 Olive contributes to the Locust Olive Historic District, click image for nomination.
The 1922 building at 2231 Olive contributes to the Locust Olive Historic District, click image for nomination.


2200 Olive occupies a large parcel of land.
2200 Olive occupies a large parcel of land. The largely blank walls were common in 1963 when it was built.
The Lincoln Arms Hotel provides low rent rooms by the week, serving a need. But walk by in the summer and the smell is awful. The physical form is ideal along a streetcar line.
The Lincoln Arms Hotel, built in 1928, provides low rent rooms by the week, serving a niche market. Walk by in the summer and the smell is awful. The physical form is ideal along a streetcar line.
Firestone owns this location built in 1964, not sure if they'd cash out the real estate.
Firestone owns this location built in 1964, not sure if they’d cash out the real estate.
I’d long assumed this surface parking lot belonged to the company in the building across the alley.
This 1968 building at Olive & Jefferson is interesting, but also low-density.
This 1968 building at Olive & Jefferson is interesting, but also low-density.

There are many more development sites, to the north & south, between 18th & Jefferson. I expect this to be a high activity area for development.


Happy Memorial Day

May 27, 2013 Events/Meetings, Featured Comments Off on Happy Memorial Day
The impressive mosaic tile ceiling in the center of St. Louis’ WWI memorial

Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer, a day for family gathers, the Indianapolis 500 race, etc.  But the origin dates to the 19th Century:

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service. There are many stories as to its actual beginnings, with over two dozen cities and towns laying claim to being the birthplace of Memorial Day. There is also evidence that organized women’s groups in the South were decorating graves before the end of the Civil War: a hymn published in 1867, “Kneel Where Our Loves are Sleeping” by Nella L. Sweet carried the dedication “To The Ladies of the South who are Decorating the Graves of the Confederate Dead” (Source: Duke University’s Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920). While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it’s difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day. It is more likely that it had many separate beginnings; each of those towns and every planned or spontaneous gathering of people to honor the war dead in the 1860’s tapped into the general human need to honor our dead, each contributed honorably to the growing movement that culminated in Gen Logan giving his official proclamation in 1868. It is not important who was the very first, what is important is that Memorial Day was established. Memorial Day is not about division. It is about reconciliation; it is about coming together to honor those who gave their all. (continue reading…)

My heart goes out to all who’ve lost family or friends in service to our country.

— Steve Patterson


Poll: How Will Macy’s Closing Their Downtown Location Affect Downtown St. Louis In The Long-Term?

Macy's in the Railway Exchange building
Macy’s is located on 3 floors of the Railway Exchange building

You likely heard the news last week about the Macy’s store downtown:

Retailer Macy’s will close its downtown St. Louis in the Railway Exchange Center later this summer.

A final closing sale will begin June 2 and last 10 weeks. (KSDK)

Immediately following the announcement people were upset, but clearly not enough to keep the store open. The poll this week asks: How will Macy’s closing their downtown location affect downtown St. Louis in the long-term? The provided answers are:

  • Very negatively
  • Negatively
  • Neutral
  • Positively
  • Very positively
  • Unsure/no answer

These answers will be presented in random order in the poll (right sidebar) so the order doesn’t influence the results. You the comments below to share your thoughts.

— Steve Patterson






